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Amazon Linux Docker Base Image

Amazon Linux Container Image Now Available

Enhanced Docker Workloads

The Amazon Linux container image is a base image for Docker workloads that can be used in any environment. This image is now available for use with the Amazon Linux AMI and Docker Official Images.


By using the Amazon Linux container image, you can benefit from the following features:

  • Pre-installed and configured with the latest Amazon Linux packages
  • Can be used to create custom Docker images
  • Can be used in any Docker-based environment

Getting Started

To get started with the Amazon Linux container image, follow these steps:

  1. Pull the image from the Amazon ECR Public Gallery:
  2. docker pull
  3. Create a Dockerfile for your application:
  4. FROM RUN yum install -y httpd COPY index.html /var/www/html/ CMD ["/usr/sbin/httpd", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]


The Amazon Linux container image is a valuable resource for developers who want to create and deploy Docker workloads. By providing a pre-configured and up-to-date base image, the Amazon Linux container image helps developers save time and effort. With its availability in any Docker-based environment, businesses can deploy Docker workloads across public cloud providers, private cloud, and on-premises infrastructures.
